The Doctor Is IN! podcast explores various dimensions of counter-trafficking work. As a physician I focus on the intersection of health and human trafficking, but I also interview other leaders in grass-roots organizations. These are people you never hear about but are making a tremendous impact. I also explore other aspects such as human trafficking prevention and mental health issues. Thanks for listening! Learn something and be inspired!

Thursday Feb 27, 2025
SDG #3: It is all for your health
Thursday Feb 27, 2025
Thursday Feb 27, 2025
In this episode I explore Sustainable Development Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. I discuss how this goal sounds much better than it really is! The SDGs are unsustainable and anti-development. Find out how this is in this episode. I also discuss the WHO and the IHR and pandemic treaty proposals and why this is not good at all.
#SDG #SDG3 #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #antihumantrafficking #modernslavery #greatreset
Relentless website: Relentless | Serving at the intersection of health care and human trafficking (gorelentless.org)
Previous podcasts on this topic:
Links mentioned:
THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development (un.org)
Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Goal 3 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Taking action for universal health coverage - UHC2030
UHC2030: The United Nations' Global Public-Private Partnership For Healthcare

Tuesday Oct 01, 2024
SDG 16: The Key to Unlocking the Remaining SDGs
Tuesday Oct 01, 2024
Tuesday Oct 01, 2024
In this episode I explore Sustainable Development Goal 16. It is the mother of all trojan horses and the key to unlocking the potential of all the other SDGs. I explain why this is and what it has to do with human trafficking.
#SDG #SDG16 #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #antihumantrafficking #modernslavery #greatreset
Relentless website: Relentless | Serving at the intersection of health care and human trafficking (gorelentless.org)
Previous podcasts on this topic:
Links mentioned:
THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development (un.org)
SDG16: Part 1 — Building the Global Police State (unlimitedhangout.com)
Kenyan reporter not at all excited about the digital ID scheme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCOlQJm0y4c&t=45s
SMU creating human trafficking data 'warehouse' (newswise.com)
UN Digital ID - A Building Block for UN Digital Cooperation - UNICC
Manufacturing Consent: The Border Fiasco and the "Smart Wall" (unlimitedhangout.com)
UN Secretary General discussing suppression of unpopular takes: https://youtu.be/pYpvPOkslgQ

Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
Sustainable Development Goals and Human Trafficking: an Overview
Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
In this episode I review each of the Sustainable Development Goals with a little explainer about what the language they use really means and how it intersects with the human trafficking situation. In future episodes I'll be covering these Goals separately with a focus on what it means for anti-human trafficking work.
#SDG #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #antihumantrafficking #modernslavery #greatreset
Relentless website: Relentless | Serving at the intersection of health care and human trafficking (gorelentless.org)
A previous podcast on this topic: https://admin5.podbean.com/gorelentless/episodes/form/vNWellfKjf6G
THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development (un.org)
Sustainable Debt Slavery (unlimitedhangout.com)

Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Relentless is Growing, Gender Transformation, Peter Claver
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
An update about what's going on, upcoming events, the transgender phenomenon, and the feast day of Peter Claver.
Links mentioned:
Gender Transformation Docudrama: https://www.gendertransformation.com/
Livestream Q&A: https://momsforamerica.us/gender-confusion/
Summit on Food, Family, and Medical Freedom: https://www.johnlittellmd.com/event-details/florida-summit-2023
Please get in touch with me at https://gorelentless.org/contact/
Please also join my community at Locals: https://www.locals.com

Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Sound of Freedom: Ethical NGOs in the Counter-Trafficking Sector
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Erika joins me for another discussion of what we can learn from Sound of Freedom and how we can evaluate organizations in the counter-trafficking sector. We spend less time discussing the film and more about what we can look for in a good NGO. Let us know what you think!
Links mentioned:
Letter from organizations in Asia: https://medium.com/@lmpinkston/sound-of-freedom-a-joint-statement-from-anti-trafficking-organizations-3ff84f558334
My previous podcast on this topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVK_bHQZJgs
You may contact me or Erika here: https://gorelentless.org/contact/

Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Sound of Freedom - A Critical Review
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
I have a conversation with Erika Tello about our thoughts, qualms, and suggestions for those of you who will watch this movie. Let me know what you thought about the movie! What questions do you have?
Video version of this can be found here: Sound of Freedom - A Critical Review of the Movie - RELENTLESS Community (locals.com)
Many links:
In which Jim Caviezel is inspired by the movie Taken (17:00); Tim Ballard states his wife said, "I will not let you jeopardize my salvation by not doing this". (25:40); in which Peterson does not push back on anything they said.
Controversy (there is a lot more):
CNN talking about QAnon

Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Slavery, Climate Change, & the SDGs
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
In this episode I go a bit deeper into the link between modern slavery, climate change, and the Sustainable Development Goals, continuing from my previous podcast on the topic: Climate Change and Modern Slavery | The Doctor Is IN! Discussions about Health & Human Trafficking (podbean.com)
Relentless website: Relentless | Serving at the intersection of health care and human trafficking (gorelentless.org)
Bjorn Lomborg:
False Alarm by Bjorn Lomborg | Basic Books
Alex Epstein:
Michael Shellenberger: Michael Shellenberger, Apocalypse Never – HarperCollins,
The Climate Change and Slavery video that won't allow me to post my comment: What does modern slavery have to do with climate change? - YouTube
Paul Ehrlich: Population Bomb: The Overpopulation Theory That Fell Flat | Retro Report
Kevin Bales Blood and Earth: Modern Slavery, Ecocide, Climate Change - Kevin Bales
How Hunger for Shrimp and Slavery Destroy Mangroves [Excerpt] - Scientific American
Home | Sustainable Development (un.org)
Unlimited Hangout:
Sustainable Debt Slavery (unlimitedhangout.com)
SDG7: The Impossible Energy Transformation (unlimitedhangout.com)

Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Climate Change and Modern Slavery
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
I discuss the connection between climate change and modern slavery. Is the former causing the latter? What should we be considering when thinking about these two huge issues? The links to people, books, and reports I mentioned, as well as a lot more that are on several sides of this issue so you can form your own conclusions.
Michael Shellenberger https://shellenberger.org/
Bjorn Lomborg https://www.lomborg.com/

Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Trafficking and Totalitarianism
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
A riff about the human trafficking sector and totalitarianism. I'm wondering what you think about this? Do you follow? Do you agree? What questions do you have?
Please visit my website: www.gorelentless.org or find me on Locals: RELENTLESS (locals.com)
To get in touch with me or one of my guests please leave a comment here: https://gorelentless.org/contact/
To get updates on these webinars and learn how to participate in a live session please click here: https://gorelentless.org/newsletter-signup/
Relevant links:
Queer Theory and Counter-Human Trafficking Work (podbean.com)
Prostitution & COVID in Germany (podbean.com)

Thursday Jul 28, 2022
USA TIP Report 2022 Review
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
In this episode I review the recently published annual Trafficking in Persons Report published by the USA State Department. To get in touch with me please leave a comment here: https://gorelentless.org/contact/ USA TIP Report: https://www.state.gov/reports/2022-trafficking-in-persons-report/ New Discourses: https://newdiscourses.com/tftw-lived-experience/

Friday Aug 27, 2021
Health Care for Transgender in the Sex Trade
Friday Aug 27, 2021
Friday Aug 27, 2021
In this episode I briefly describe the health aspects of transgender people in the sex trade and the unique challenges they face.
To get in touch with me please leave a comment here: https://gorelentless.org/contact/
Society for Evidence Based Gender Medicine www.segm.org
(PDF) The DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for Gender Dysphoria (researchgate.net)
Kozlowska K, Chudleigh C, McClure G, Maguire AM and Ambler GR (2021) Attachment Patterns in Children and Adolescents With Gender Dysphoria. Front. Psychol. 11:582688. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.582688
Sam Winter BSci, PGDE, MEd, PhD & Serge Doussantousse MPH (2009)
Transpeople, Hormones, and Health Risks in Southeast Asia: A Lao Study, International Journal of Sexual Health, 21:1, 35-48, DOI: 10.1080/19317610802554141

Monday Aug 16, 2021
Human Trafficking for Organ Removal
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Monday Aug 16, 2021
In this episode Dr. Trevor Stammers and I discuss Human Trafficking for Organ Removal (HTOR), why it is such an unrecognized problem in the counter-trafficking sector, what transplant tourism has to do with it, and why allowing people to legally sell their organs doesn't solve the problem.
The link to the YouTube video: https://youtu.be/b_iKEokAfI0
All relevant links are below.
Dr. Stammers is currently Editor in Chief of The New Bioethics https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ynbi20/current and recently was an Associate Professor in Bioethics and Medical Law at St Mary's University, Twickenham in the UK. He practiced family medicine for 27 years before entering academia. He is currently writing a book on the ethics of organ acquisition and contributing a chapter on organ trafficking to new book on human trafficking from Policy Press. His latest book (co-edited with Dr Calum MacKellar) is The Ethics of Generating Posthuman Persons, due out from Bloomsbury Academic in Feb 2022.
To get in touch with me or one of my guests please leave a comment here: https://gorelentless.org/contact/
Courses | Vita Training - Safeguarding Victims of Modern Slavery (vita-training.com)
Organ Trafficking: The Unseen Form of Human Trafficking - ACAMS Today
Stop forced organ harvesting - FreedomUnited.org

Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Patient Advocacy - Wisdom From the Field
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
This conversation about patient advocacy with two brilliant people doing fantastic work helping women exit prostitution in Germany. We discuss the challenges and barriers these women face in accessing health care and how they meet the needs of the individuals. We talk about slowing down and humanizing the "process" of health care. You will be inspired and informed!
To get in touch with me or one of my guests please leave a comment here: https://gorelentless.org/contact/
To get updates on these webinars and learn how to participate in a live session please click here: https://gorelentless.org/newsletter-signup/

Thursday Jun 03, 2021
State Sponsored Slavery
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
In this episode I discuss state-sponsored slavery, particularly the forms that are being perpetrated in China and North Korea. I also discuss other other questionable practices that can be found in other countries.
To get in touch with me please leave a comment here: https://gorelentless.org/contact/
To get updates on these webinars and learn how to participate in a live session please click here: https://gorelentless.org/newsletter-signup/
UN High Commission on Human Rights definition of slavery:
International Labor Organization:
USA TIP Report: https://www.state.gov/reports/2020-trafficking-in-persons-report/china/
North Korea:
Tyranny, Slavery and Columbia U | Yeonmi Park | The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast - S4: E26 - YouTube
Systemic forced labour and child labour has come to an end in Uzbek cotton - Modern Diplomacy

Friday May 28, 2021
Working with Transgender Women in Paris
Friday May 28, 2021
Friday May 28, 2021
This webinar travels to Paris where we meet Joni and discuss her work with transwomen in prostitution in Paris. We will discuss the sex trafficking and prostitution situation there as well as the uniqueness of working with transwomen who are in that sector. Joni has lived in several different countries working in several different sectors. She has a wealth of experience and you are guaranteed to learn something in this webinar.
To reach me or to get in touch with Joni please leave a comment here: https://gorelentless.org/contact/
To get updates on these webinars and learn how to participate in a live session please click here: https://gorelentless.org/newsletter-signup/

Wednesday May 19, 2021
Queer Theory and Counter-Human Trafficking Work
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
This podcast is a discussion of a journal article that applies Queer Theory to counter-human trafficking work and a subsequent webinar featuring the article and one of the authors. Queer Theory is a branch of Critical Social Justice and I explain some of the basic tenets of it and how it is applied in this article. The goal is to help people recognize and understand Queer Theory in the context of counter-trafficking work, at least through the lens of this paper.
- Schwarz C, Britton H. Queering the Support for Trafficked Persons: LGBTQ Communities and Human Trafficking in the Heartland. Social Inclusion (ISSN: 2183-2803) 2015, Volume 3, Issue 1, Pages 63-75 Doi: 10.17645/si.v3i1.172.
- Webinar: HEAL Research Webinar: Queering the Support for Trafficked Persons - LGBTQ Communities and Human Trafficking in the Heartland | HEAL Trafficking: Health, Education, Advocacy, Linkage
- Pluckrose H, Lindsay J. Cynical Theories, How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identity. Pitchstone Publishing, Durham, NC. 2020.
- New Discourses www.newdiscourses.com

Monday May 17, 2021
Human Trafficking in Houston
Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
Jennifer is a physician assistant who lives in Houston, TX and is active in working against sex trafficking there. We discuss the prostitution and trafficking situation there as well as how she integrates her health profession and her counter-trafficking work. This is a fascinating look into the illegal yet very open prostitution scene there - particularly among Chinese women - and she shares some stories you will not want to miss!
If you would like to get in touch me me or Jennifer, please reach out to me here: Contact | Relentless (gorelentless.org)
Please subscribe to this channel and if you want to know more about what Relentless is doing against human trafficking please sign up for the newsletter: Newsletter Signup | Relentless (gorelentless.org)

Wednesday May 05, 2021
Sleep and Trauma
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Wednesday May 05, 2021
This episode is all about the connection between sleep and trauma. What are the sleep disturbances that people with PTSD or chronic trauma suffer and what kind of things can one do to sleep better?
This is NOT medical advice, is not a substitute for visiting your physician and is not entirely comprehensive. I wanted to give an overview about sleep, how trauma and PTSD disrupts sleep, and some suggestions for how to sleep better.
If you have questions or comments or would like to know more please be in touch with comment below.
Kovachy B; O’Hara R; Hawkins N; Gershon A; Primeau MM; Madej J; Carrion V. Sleep disturbance in pediatric PTSD: current findings and future directions. J Clin Sleep Med 2013;9(5):501-510.
Dream sleep takes sting out of painful memories | Berkeley News
How Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Affects Sleep | Sleep Foundation

Friday Apr 23, 2021
Working with Transgender Women in Prostitution
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Friday Apr 23, 2021
In this video I interview Taina, who works with an NGO to do street outreach and aftercare assistance to transgender women in prostitution in a European city. They offer relief and assistance to anyone who wants it, and if someone wishes to exit the sex trade they help facilitate that process. I'm sure you will learn a lot and be inspired to get involved through this brief interview. A good discussion took place after the recording stopped. If you have further questions or would like to get in touch with Taina, please reach me through my website link or leave a comment below.
To get updates on these webinars and learn how to participate in a live session please click here: https://gorelentless.org/newsletter-signup/
For more on this webinar series: https://gorelentless.org/webinar-series-with-live-qa/

Friday Apr 23, 2021
Conspiracy Theories and Human Trafficking
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Friday Apr 23, 2021
I tackle conspiracy theories and human trafficking because the size and scope and potential for harm is too great to let the recent QAnon shenanigans go by without addressing them. In this talk I discuss what is QAnon and what does it have to do with human trafficking? Why do such conspiracies take such hold in society? What harm has the #savethechildren conspiracy done to the human trafficking movement? What can we do to recognize such fallacies and prevent them in the future?
The blog version of this talk is on my website: https://gorelentless.org/conspiracy-theories-sensationalism-and-human-trafficking/
To get updates on these webinars and learn how to participate in a live session please click here: https://gorelentless.org/newsletter-signup/
For more on this webinar series: https://gorelentless.org/webinar-series-with-live-qa/

Friday Apr 23, 2021
Online Outreach in the Covid Era
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Guest Cristhina discusses her organization's development of an online outreach program to sexually exploited women. She offers some practical wisdom for how to get started and how to stay healthy in this challenging milieu.
The blog version of this talk is on my website: https://gorelentless.org/online-outreach-in-the-era-of-covid/
To receive a copy of the Online Outreach 101 and Tech Tipps handouts please contact me here: https://gorelentless.org/contact/
To get updates on these webinars and learn how to participate in a live session please click here: https://gorelentless.org/newsletter-signup/
For more on this webinar series: https://gorelentless.org/webinar-series-with-live-qa/

Friday Apr 23, 2021
Prostitution & COVID in Germany
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Here I interview Rhonda who heads up an organization that helps women exit prostitution in Germany. We cover a variety of topics and I'm sure that everyone will learn something about prostitution in Germany, the COVID situation here, and how one excellent organization does their best to help women exit sexual exploitation.
Interested in reaching Rhonda or me with a question? Please post a comment below.
The blog version of this talk is on my website: https://gorelentless.org/prostitution-and-covid-in-germany/
To get updates on these webinars and learn how to participate in a live session please click here: https://gorelentless.org/newsletter-signup/
For more on this webinar series: https://gorelentless.org/webinar-series-with-live-qa/

Friday Apr 23, 2021
Loverboys and Sex Trafficking Prevention
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Friday Apr 23, 2021
In this interview with Shannon, the Executive Director and co-Founder of Netzwerk gegen Menschenhandel (Network against Human Trafficking) and the project Liebe ohne Zwang, we discuss her organization's innovative efforts to prevent sex trafficking of young people through leading workshops in schools. We also discuss the Loverboy method and the insidious coercive ways they manipulate young women. I'm sure you will learn a lot!
Netzwerk gegen Menschenhandel https://netzwerkgm.de/
Liebe ohne Zwang https://liebe-ohne-zwang.de/
Interested in reaching Shannon or me with a question? Please send me an email.
The blog version of this talk is on my website: https://gorelentless.org/loverboys-and-sex-trafficking-prevention/

Friday Apr 16, 2021
Trauma Informed Clinical Care
Friday Apr 16, 2021
Friday Apr 16, 2021
Dr. Judy Norman joins me again for a conversation about trauma informed care in a clinical setting and how not to retraumatize your patients. This webinar will be directed towards health professionals, but I'm sure that non-medical types will learn something as well!
Richie-Zavaleta, A.C.; Villanueva, A.M.; Homicile, L.M.; Urada, L.A. Compassionate Care—Going the Extra Mile: Sex Trafficking Survivors’ Recommendations for Healthcare Best Practices. Sexes 2021, 2, 26–49.
Macias-Konstantopoulos WL. Caring for the Trafficked Patient: Ethical Challenges and Recommendations for Health Care Professionals. AMA Journal of Ethics January 2017, Volume 19, Number 1: 80-90.

Monday Apr 05, 2021
Networking is Counter-Trafficking Work
Monday Apr 05, 2021
Monday Apr 05, 2021
We are thinking outside the box of anti-trafficking work with Erika Tello and her unique journey to establishing a nationwide anti-trafficking network in Italy. She saw a particular gap in the fight against human trafficking and rose to the challenge of bridging it. We discuss not only the importance of networks, their challenges, and how to get started. If you have further questions or would like to get in touch with Erika, please reach me through my website link or leave a comment below.
To get updates on these webinars and learn how to participate in a live session please click here: https://gorelentless.org/newsletter-signup/
For more on this webinar series: https://gorelentless.org/webinar-series-with-live-qa/